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Trueitalian Experience s.r.l. has adopted Corporate Procedures and Policies in line with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR- Reg Ue 2016/679), in order to ensure high security standards and rules aimed at enabling adequate processing of Personal Data
Subjects authorized to process data:Data are processed by resources inside and outside the offices of the Group Companies, adequately identified, trained and acting as personnel authorized to process the Data.
Data Protection Officer:If you want to exercise your right, make a report, or receive information on how your data is processed, you can contact the Data Protection Officer at the email
Data retention times:
Personal data are available for as long as strictly necessary for the purposes of processing. Below are some details
Categories | Duration | Main regulatory references:
Applicants | maximum 24 months | Art. 5(e) of EU Reg 2016/679.
Employees and para-employees | 10 years | Art. 43 of Presidential Decree 600/73; Art. 2946 Civil Code on ordinary statute of limitations; Title I, Chapter III, of Legislative Decree 81/08, as amended.
Customers and suppliers, consultants, partners | 5 – 10 years | Art. 2948 Civil Code, which provides for a 5-year statute of limitations for periodic payments; Art. 2220 Civil Code, which provides for 10-year retention of accounting records; Art. 22 of Presidential Decree No. 600 of September 29, 1973.
Website surfers | (A) 1 year for requested contacts; (B) For the duration of the session for all remaining purposes. | (A) 1 year for commercial contact purposes based on the execution of pre-contractual measures also adopted at the request of the interested party by means of the contact form on the website of Jaera S.r.l. or through telephone commercial contacts.
Website surfers | (A). 1 year for requested contacts (B). For the duration of the session for all remaining purposes. | (A). 1 year for commercial contact purposes based on the execution of pre-contractual measures also adopted at the request of the interested party by means of the contact form on the website of Jaera S.r.l. or through telephone commercial contacts.
Prospect | 1 year for requested contacts | 1 year for the purpose of commercial contact based on the execution of pre-contractual measures also adopted at the request of the interested party by means of the contact form on the website of Trueitalian Experience S.r.l. or through telephone commercial contacts.
Prospect customers, candidate, customers for marketing purposes, Social followers, interested in branding, newsletter data subject/td | in compliance with the time limits prescribed by law for the type of activity and in any case until consent is revoked or the right to object is exercised | Prov. general of 15/05/13; art. 21 EU Reg. 2016/679.
Contacts at agencies, clients and suppliers | In the time required to fulfill the contractual purposes | Established for a period of time not exceeding the achievement of the purposes for which they are collected and processed for the performance and fulfillment of contractual purposes, pursuant to Art. 5(1)(e) of EU Reg. 2016/679.
video surveillance data subjects | Twentyfour hours | Data Protection Supervisor’s Provision of April 10, 2010.
Privacy Notices
Agencies Applicants Clients Follower Social Network Suppliers Branding data subjects Newsletter data subjects Videosurveillance data subjects Video-photo shooting data subjects website surfers website surfers Prospects Contacts at Agencies Contacts at Client CompaniesContacts at Supplier Companies
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Cookies are small text strings exchanged between a website and the user’s browsing browser each time a website is accessed. These strings, which do not contain any executable code, are used for different tasks, such as performing automatic authentications, keeping track of sessions, and storing information to improve site navigability or the user’s browsing experience. Each domain visited through a browser can set one or more cookies. An Internet page may contain objects from many different domains, and each of them may set cookies (in this case referred to as "third-party" cookies). The use of cookies allows you to improve your Web site experience and may retain the settings you choose during your next visit.
The General Order of the Privacy Authority (OJ No. 126, June 3, 2014) defines two types of cookies:
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